Maze Escape with Wall-Following Algorithm.

Andrew Yong Zheng Dao
7 min readFeb 5, 2021


Maze Solving Problem

Maze solving is an imperative section that leads to the development of the decision-making algorithms. The development of the decision-making algorithms is to enable the robot to navigate and solve the problem. Undoubtedly, the maze provides the conditions that allow the robot to navigate and solve the maze problem through the decision making that leads an entrance to a goal.

Wall-Following Algorithms

The wall follower algorithm contains two rules which are the right-hand rule and the left-hand rule. Regarding the rules, both rules can be applied to solve the maze in a fast and without any extra memory to solve maze. The rules are based on the simple logic of movements whereby either following along the left side or the right side of the enclosure wall. Following one side of the enclosure wall will form a pathway that leads to the exit.

Maze Structure

This section will show the structure of the maze. The maze is constructed using the gazebo virtual environment.

Top View
Front View

Structure of the Robot

The application of the wall follower algorithm indicates that there is only one side of the sensor is required to detect the wall. The functionality of the sensor is to receive or sense the input and the information from the external environment.

When implies the sensor with the human begin, the eyes, nose, ears, and skin can be considered as the sensor of the human because these body features help the human to receive information from the real world. The same concept is applied to the robot.

The robot requires the sensor devices to accept the input from the external environment to process and respond accordingly. The sensor of the turtlebot3 burger is the LiDAR which is a 2D laser scanner sensor. This sensor receives the reading from a different angle.

The view of the angle of obtaining the value from a different direction with the LiDAR scanner is shown below.

Implement Wall-Following Algorithm in Maze

The wall follower algorithm is highly dependent on the enclosure wall to generate a solution path. The turtlebot3 burger can only detect either one side of the enclosure wall using a single side of the direction.

Throughout the finding, both the left-hand rule and the right-hand rule must detect the front wall and either the left side or the right side of the wall based on the rule selected. For instance, the left-hand rule must detect the existence of the left wall and the front wall whereas the right-hand rule is required to detect the right wall and the front wall during execution. The abstract view of the concept of the algorithm is shown below.

The right-hand rule wall follower algorithm is selected as the method to solve the maze problem. Based on the determination of entrance and exit on the maze in the picture above, it can realize that the path for the right-hand rule is less complex than that of using the left-hand rule. Indeed, the less complex of the path will result in less consumption of the amount of time in escaping the maze.

From the perspective of the turtlebot3 burger, the yellow color line and the purple color line represent the pathway for the right-hand rule and the left-hand rule respectively.

Truth Table of the right-hand rule

The concept of the right-hand rule is based on the table above, and vice versa.

Python Code Implementation

Stops all movement

def stop(vel_msg, velocity_publisher):  
vel_msg.linear.x = 0 #set linear x to zero
vel_msg.angular.z = 0 #set angular z to zero
# Publish the velocity to stop the robot
time.sleep(1) #stop for 1 second

Moves Forward

def movingForward(vel_msg, velocity_publisher, t0, current_distance, distance, speed, forwardSpeed, front):  
vel_msg.linear.x = forwardSpeed
vel_msg.angular.z = 0 #initialize angular z to zero
print('Is moving')
while(current_distance < distance):
velocity_publisher.publish(vel_msg)#Publish the velocity
#Take actual time to velocity calculation
t1 =
current_distance = speed*(t1-t0)#calculates distance
#Stop the robot when the front distance from obstacle is smaller than 1.0
if (front < 1.0):
stop(vel_msg, velocity_publisher)
time.sleep(1) # stop for 1 second

Move Backward

def movingBackward(vel_msg, velocity_publisher, t0, current_distance, distance, speed, backwardSpeed, front):

vel_msg.linear.x = backwardSpeed
vel_msg.angular.z = 0 #initialize angular z to zero
print('Is backing')
while(current_distance < (distance/2)):
velocity_publisher.publish(vel_msg)#Publish the velocity
#Take actual time to vel calculation
t1 =
current_distance = speed*(t1-t0)#calculates distance
if (front < 1.0):
stop(vel_msg, velocity_publisher)
time.sleep(1) # stop for 1 second

Turn 90 degrees Clockwise

def turnCW(vel_msg, velocity_publisher, t0, current_angle, turningSpeed, angle):
#converting from angle to radian
angular_speed = round(turningSpeed*2*PI/360, 1)
#converting from angle to radian
relative_angle = round(angle*2*PI/360, 1)
vel_msg.linear.x = 0 #initialize linear x to zero
#initialize angular z with angular_speed
vel_msg.angular.z = -abs(angular_speed)
while(current_angle < relative_angle):
velocity_publisher.publish(vel_msg)#Publish the velocity
#Take actual time to vel calculation
t1 =
current_angle = angular_speed*(t1-t0)#calculates distance

time.sleep(1)#stop the robot for 1 second

Turn 90 degrees Counter-clockwise

def turnCCW(vel_msg, velocity_publisher, t0, current_angle, turningSpeed, angle):
#converting from angle to radian
angular_speed = round(turningSpeed*2*PI/360, 1)
#converting from angle to radian
relative_angle = round(angle*2*PI/360, 1)
vel_msg.linear.x = 0 #initialize linear x to zero
#initialize angular z with angular_speed
vel_msg.angular.z = abs(angular_speed)
while(current_angle < relative_angle):
velocity_publisher.publish(vel_msg)#Publish the velocity
#Take actual time to vel calculation
t1 =
current_angle = angular_speed*(t1-t0)#calculates distance

time.sleep(1)#stop the robot for 1 second

Right-rule algorithm

def escapeMaze():
#initialize the node
rospy.init_node('robot_cleaner', anonymous=True)
#set topic for publisher
velocity_publisher = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', Twist,queue_size=10)

vel_msg = Twist()
print("Let's move the robot")
#define the local speed
speed = 0.2
#define the distance
distance = [0.10, 0.20, 0.29]
#set all the linear and angular motion of each dimension to zero
vel_msg.linear.x = 0
vel_msg.linear.y = 0
vel_msg.linear.z = 0
vel_msg.angular.x = 0
vel_msg.angular.y = 0
vel_msg.angular.z = 0
#Execute the movement when the robot is active
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
#define the variable to determine the existance of the right wall
no_right_wall = None
#define the variable to determine the existance of the front wall
no_front_wall = None
#set current time for distance calculate
t0 =
#define the variable for current distance
current_distance = 0
#read the input from lazer scan
scan_msg = rospy.wait_for_message("scan", LaserScan)
#read the input distance between robot and obstacles in the
#front, left, right, top left, and top right direction
front = scan_msg.ranges[1]
left = scan_msg.ranges[90]
top_left = scan_msg.ranges[45]
right = scan_msg.ranges[270]
top_right = scan_msg.ranges[315]
#No right wall if the distance between the robot and obstacles if
the distance in right and top_right
#direction is smaller than 2.0, else right wall is detected
if (right< 2.0) or (top_right < 2.0):
no_right_wall = False #False becuase right wall is detected
print('Right wall is detected')#display message
no_right_wall = True #True becuase right wall is not detected
print('Right wall is not detected') #display message
#Turn clockwise and move forward when no right wall is detected
if no_right_wall == True:
if front < 1.0:
print('Move backward')#display message
#move backward if the distance in front direction is smaller
#than 1.0
movingBackward(vel_msg, velocity_publisher, t0,
distance[1], speed, -0.36, front)

print('Turn clockwise because no right wall') #display message
#Turn 90 degree clockwise

turnCW(vel_msg, velocity_publisher, t0, 0, 3, 90)
print('Move forward because no right wall')
if front < 0.5:
#Move forward with distance of 0.1 when distance from front
#wall is smaller than 0.5
movingForward(vel_msg, velocity_publisher, t0,
current_distance, distance[0], speed, 0.36, front)
#Move forward with distance of 0.29 when distance from front
#wall is greater than 0.5
movingForward(vel_msg, velocity_publisher, t0,
current_distance, distance[2], speed, 0.36, front)
#Detect distance from front wall when no right wall is detected
#No front wall if the distance between the robot and obstacles if
#the distance in front and top left
#direction is smaller than 1.0, else front wall is detected
if (front > 1.0) or (top_left > 1.0):
#True because no front wall is detected
no_front_wall = True
print('Front wall is not detected')#display message
#False because front wall is detected
no_front_wall = False
print('Front wall is detected')#display message

#Move forward if there is no front wall
if (no_front_wall == True) and (front > 1.0):
if (front < 0.5):
print('Move forward because no front wall')#display message
#Move forward with distance of 0.1 when distance from front
#wall is smaller than 0.5
movingForward(vel_msg, velocity_publisher, t0,
current_distance,distance[0], speed, 0.36, front)

#Move forward with distance of 0.1 when distance from front
#wall is greater than 0.5
movingForward(vel_msg, velocity_publisher, t0,current_distance,
distance[2], speed, 0.36, front)

#Turn clockwise if neither front wall, left, and right wall are
#detected. Indeed, turn counter-clockwise if both front wall and
#right wall are detected
if (left > 0.5) and ((right > 3.0) or (top_right > 3.0)):
if front < 1.0:
print('Move backward')#display message
#move backward if the distance in front direction is smaller
#than 1.0
movingBackward(vel_msg, velocity_publisher,
t0,current_distance,distance[1], speed, -0.36, front)
print('Turn clockwise because no right wall')#display message
#turn 90 degree clockwise
turnCW(vel_msg, velocity_publisher, t0, 0, 3, 90)

if front < 1.0:
print('Move backward')#display message
#move backward if the distance in front direction is smaller
#than 1.0
movingBackward(vel_msg, velocity_publisher,
t0,current_distance,distance[1], speed, -0.36, front)
#display message
print('Turn counter-clockwise because have front wall')
#turn 90 degree counter-clockwise
turnCCW(vel_msg, velocity_publisher, t0, 0, 3, 90)
# The node will stop when press control + C



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